Fox News – America and Russia’s Newsroom (commentary)

Courtesy of Bastrop Advertiser
March 31, 2022
By Joni Ashbrook

Russian President Vladimir Putin makes it nearly impossible for Russians to learn the truth about his unprovoked war in Ukraine that is targeting civilians and causing a catastrophic humanitarian crisis.

Independent media outlets have been shut down leaving only Russian state-run outlets to saturate the airwaves with lies and propaganda. And if a Russian dares to call Putin’s invasion into Ukraine a “war,” they face 15 years in prison.

But one employee of state TV risked the consequences to get a tidbit of truth to the people. She interrupted the evening “news” by holding a sign behind the anchor that said: “Stop the war” and “Don’t believe propaganda. They’re lying to you.”

Tucker Carlson, host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” poses for photos in a Fox News Channel studio, in New York, Thursday, March 2, 2107. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

She later admitted she was “very ashamed” to have contributed to the Kremlin’s propaganda and the “zombification of Russian people” during her time at the TV station.

I wonder if Fox News pundits and guests will ever feel “ashamed” for spewing the Kremlin’s propaganda so effectively that their rants are often aired on Russian TV to help Putin cover-up his atrocities.

For example, translated video clips from a Fox interview with Ret. Col. Douglas Macgregor, an ex-Pentagon official in the Trump administration, was shown on Putin TV arguing that the U.S. “demonized” Putin, and that Ukrainians should lay down their arms and let Putin have their country.

Also, excerpts from Fox interviews with former Democratic U.S. representative Tulsi Gabbard are often used.

Once Gabbard blamed President Joe Biden for not preventing the war by giving in to Putin’s demand to keep Ukraine out of NATO forever. No amount of rubles could buy propaganda that persuasive.

The Kremlin is frustrated by the global condemnation of Putin’s invasion, but Russia’s foreign minister applauded Fox News for presenting “alternative points of view.”

However, Russia’s “Must See TV” is Fox host Tucker Carlson who has been spewing pro-Russian propaganda for years.

In 2019 when Ukrainians were already fighting Putin’s aggression, Comrade Carlson said, “Why do I care what is going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? And I’m serious. Why do I care? Why shouldn’t I root for Russia? Which I am.”

The Kremlin is obviously so impressed with Comrade Carlson’s ability to shamelessly shill for Putin, even after he threatened the world with nuclear war, that they dispersed talking points to their media to “Use more Tucker Carlson.”

Mother Jones obtained a leaked Kremlin memo to the media stating in part, “It is essential to use as much as possible fragments of broadcasts of the popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who sharply criticizes the actions of the United States [and] NATO.”

But the most despicable thing that Comrade Carlson has done (so far) is to echo Russian propaganda accusing the United States and Ukraine of conducting chemical and biological weapons activities.

Comrade Carlson took comments from Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victory Nuland’s testimony, and twisted it to parrot Russia’s lie.

According to the New York Times, there are biological laboratories inside Ukraine that the U.S. has backed to prevent the production of biological weapons.

The State Department said Ms. Nuland was referring to Ukrainian diagnostic and biodefense laboratories, which are different from biological weapons facilities.

Ms. Nuland warned “it is classic Russian technique to blame the other guy what they’re planning to do themselves.”

Comrade Carlson has perfected Putin’s technique for laying the groundwork to blame the victim for what you are planning to do to them.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russian propagandists “will be held responsible for complicity with war crimes.”

I hope U.S. propagandists will be held responsible for their complicity as well.

Ashbrook is a contributing columnist for the Advertiser. She is a retired school teacher and may be reached at [email protected].

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