If you are looking for a way to get involved and help turn Bastrop County BLUE, start by taking a look at your . On the left-hand side of the card will be a box indicating “Prec. No.” Many of us have found ourselves in a new precinct due to the new precinct lines that have been drawn. As a result, Bastrop County has grown from 21 precincts to 26. Some precincts have no chairs (see VACANT listings below). Will you step up? Do you know someone who will? If you think you might be interested, or know someone who might be, please contact Dock Jackson.
Precinct chair responsibilities
- Serve on the BCDP County Executive Committee (CEC): As precinct chair you are a voting member of this committee, and it is both your privilege and duty to attend quarterly meetings to discuss and vote on business of importance to the party.
- Organize your precinct: Active precinct chairs will seek out volunteers to help them with get-out-the-vote efforts both before and during the election cycle. Having a pool of engaged volunteers can also allow you to improve the strength of the party countywide by organizing gatherings of like-minded folks.
- Get out the vote (GOTV): This is very important and can include organizing phone banks, arranging block walks, and initiating texting campaigns and postcard campaigns.
- Be a local resource: Sometimes voters simply want to know more about what is going on in the political arena. Sending email updates to voters in your precinct is another good idea.
Our precinct chairs
These are the fine folks currently serving as precinct chairs. How about you? Will you step up to fill one of the vacant spots? CONTACT US for more info. If you know your precinct, you can email your precinct chair by following the links below.
Precinct # | Chair | |
1001 | Mary Liz Singleton | |
1002 | Stephanie White | |
1003 | Angela Nixon | |
1004 | VACANT | |
1005 | VACANT | |
1006 | Dayna Beck | |
1007 | Mark Timerman | |
1008 | Peter Anthony Emmet | |
1009 | VACANT | |
2010 | VACANT | |
2011 | VACANT | |
2012 | VACANT | |
2013 | VACANT | |
2014 | Lynda MacLeod | |
2015 | Michele Rutherford | |
2016 | Susan Logan King | |
3017 | Laura Thompson | |
3018 | VACANT | |
3019 | Estella Franks Elam | |
3020 | Caroline Sinclair | |
4021 | VACANT | |
4022 | VACANT | |
4023 | VACANT | |
4024 | VACANT | |
4025 | Allyson Jones | |
4026 | Carrie Falk |